E #294: Q&A - how to leverage the sequences & Gene Key spheres in business

Dec 04, 2022

In today's episode, Kehla addresses the inquiry of 'what spheres in the Gene Keys do you check for a business?'. She gives examples of how to leverage the Activation sequence by getting physically grounded with core stability in your mind & body to build the foundation of how to show up in business, the Venus sequence for contemplating inner wounding and opening up your heart with unconditional love to connect with your audience, clients, and team and finally the Pearl sequence for really tapping into how to be of service, connect with your ideal people, fractal line & like-minded souls and how you're designed to experience prosperity from the lens of serving the collective & rising together. Kehla also dives into each of the spheres & gives examples of how you can share this through you lived experience & make it relevant to your business.

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