E #283: bringing the Gene Keys into business

Oct 23, 2022

In this episode, Kehla dives into what the Gene Keys are & how she's committed to sharing them from a perspective that allows people to bring this wisdom into their business from a very unique & contemplative stand point that allows them to stand out in their field. She deep dives into what she's been contemplating over the last several weeks of diving heavily into the Gene Keys & how she plans to share this work moving forward in her business!

Gene Keys Resources (Affiliate):
Venus Sequence Retreat (Nov 1st - May 2nd 2023)
The Activation Sequence Course
The Venus Sequence Course
The Pearl Sequence Course

Human Design:
Kehla's 7 day Human Design Challenge


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A Guide for Meditations & Hypnoses

This guide includes 13 meditations (5 of which are based on the Human Design types) plus 7 hypnoses. Sign up below to get your guide directly to your inbox!