E #187: using your authority to make aligned decisions with human design

Jun 02, 2021

This episode is jam packed with goodies about understanding how to use your authority in human design - the best part is, it never has to do with using rhyme, reason or the logic of the mind!

There are five types in human design: Generators, Manifesting Generators, Manifestors, Projectors and Reflectors - each type has their own unique authority for making decisions in life. In this episode Kehla goes through each of the authorities, explains how to make aligned small & big decisions & chats about how each authority works for each human design type.

  • Intro: types/authorities & importance of using your authority - 1:15
  • Emotional Authority - 2:24
  • Sacral Authority - 8:08
  • Splenic Authority - 14:46 
  • Ego Authority - 19:40
  • Self Authority/Self Projected Authority - 25:17
  • Environmental/Sounding Board/Mental Authority - 32:31
  • Lunar Authority/No Inner-Authority - 39:26


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