Are you ready to sharpen your edge and wield it with fierce confidence?

Right now, you’re showing up, making moves, and taking action—but it feels like you’re pushing without traction. You know there’s more potential inside you, but something just isn’t landing the way you envisioned.

This is where Human Design and Gene Keys meet strategy with nuance, aligning your energy so you can scale intentionally, sustainably, and confidently. When you're deeply rooted in your energetic blueprint, you’ll open doors to podcast guesting, speaking events, and paid opportunities—connecting with the right people who recognize your unique brilliance and invite you to share it on bigger stages.

Here, you’ll build frameworks that fit your natural rhythm—whether it’s launching offers with ease, creating content that flows intuitively, or selling without effort. Every move you make will feel like second nature, seamlessly connecting you to aligned opportunities, clients, and experiences. With others who get it, you’ll extend your reach beyond social media, creating impact through deeper client relationships, transformative offers, and the spaces where your voice is most needed.

Welcome to The Edge Mastermind.
It’s not about if you belong—it’s about how far you’re ready to take it.


If you're committed to standing out in your industry and scaling your business, you have to own your genius and have a framework that supports you and your clients. This also requires your highest level of leadership, no matter what your external results are.

Sound Relatable?

You’re juggling everything solo—writing emails, building offers, creating content, and tweaking your funnel—because you’re not the type to quit. You’re fiercely committed, taking action every day, determined to make it work. But despite the hustle, the recognition feels like a slow clap in an empty room, and the unfinished programs piling up are a haunting reminder of what could’ve been.

You know you’re capable of more, but the constant tweaking and second-guessing leave you spinning: “What am I even doing?” Posts land flat, reels barely make a dent, and it’s exhausting trying to keep momentum when it feels like your audience is slipping away.

You’re weaving Human Design and Gene Keys into your strategy, trying to make it click, but there’s this gap—like a missing puzzle piece—and no matter how hard you push, it’s not quite aligning.

Every launch, every offer—you show up, you over-deliver, hoping it’ll stick. But instead, burnout sneaks in, and resentment follows. You’re left back at square one, watching others grow with ease while you wonder: “What’s the missing piece?”

What if, instead of driving yourself crazy trying to figure out what makes you stand out, there was an easier way?

This mastermind isn’t about squeezing yourself into someone else’s strategy. It’s about uncovering your unique way of showing up—aligned with your Human Design and Gene Keys—without chasing trends, over-complicating offers, or burning out. No cookie-cutter coaching here. It’s about creating and scaling your Signature Program through the brilliance of your design.

You’ll unlock the most aligned way to deliver and grow your program, based on your natural strengths and capacity.

The real magic? We blend 100% energetics with 100% strategy. That tired “80% mindset, 20% strategy” formula? Out the window. You’ll learn to scale with clarity—without second-guessing your moves or sacrificing alignment for strategy.

In this mastermind, you’re fiercely supported—not to follow someone else’s path but to stay true to yours. This is about building a business that thrives by design—not hustle. With the guidance of your Human Design and Gene Keys, you’ll create a business that’s sustainable, scalable, and undeniably powerful.

Alongside the 6 month container of The Edge Mastermind, you'll gain lifetime access to an ever-growing library of trainings with Signature Program by Design to have everything you need to create a signature program & scale your business through growth, nurture, sales & content strategies. Everything taught is based on the energetics of Human Design & Gene Keys. All videos are immediately accessible once you sign up range from 3min-30min and build onto the next to ensure your success!

In this module, we focus on extracting the core genius from your Human Design and Gene Keys to uncover your signature approach to the offer you’ll create in this program. You’ll also gain clarity on how to deliver and run your program sustainably, aligned with your unique design.

The Focus: You’ll dive into the nuances of Human Design (conscious/unconscious charts, planets, gates, channels) and explore the Activation Sequence in the Gene Keys, the Gene Keys Business Guide, and the 64 Gene Keys Audio Library—giving you clarity on your strengths, making it easier to serve and sell with confidence.

In the second module, we combine your 3D lived experience and accomplishments with the brilliance of your Human Design and Gene Keys to get crystal-clear on your niche and ideal client.

The Focus: Building on the first module, we explore the Pearl Sequence, key themes from your Human Design chart, and insights from the Activation Sequence to establish your unique selling proposition. You’ll walk away confident in your uniqueness, staying in your lane while showing up powerfully and making an impact in your business.

Now that you have clarity on how you’re designed to operate, your brilliance, and your unique selling proposition, we move into connecting with your ideal client using the wisdom of your Venus Sequence. This is where you’ll begin building your program framework by learning how to conduct effective market research, so you know exactly how to speak to your ideal client and leverage this insight for content, marketing, and sales in future modules.

The Focus: We explore the Venus Sequence to uncover patterns that impact your relationships and connections with clients. This deeper understanding will enhance how you relate to yourself and others, setting the foundation for your signature program. You’ll also gain clarity on structuring your product suite to expand your offers, meet financial goals, and scale your business framework with confidence.

In this module, we focus on building the framework for your program, mapping out high-level content, and aligning it with how you’re designed to create sustainably—supporting your energy, body, mind, emotions, and spirit through Human Design. We’ll also dive into pricing with integrity (say goodbye to pulling random angel numbers out of thin air!).

The Focus: You’ll leverage the three Gene Keys sequences to map out the transformation you’ll guide your clients through, deeply rooted in your Human Design. This framework becomes the backbone of your content strategy, ensuring every post—whether on IG, TikTok, FB, emails, or stories—connects directly to your clients’ needs and desires, replacing any convincing energy with aligned attraction.

This module is all about visibility and crystal-clear messaging so you can confidently promote your program and speak directly to your ideal clients. You’ll craft a program name, tagline, and position yourself as the go-to expert for your service. We’ll also develop a content strategy for social media that’s easy to follow and makes sharing your program enjoyable.

The Focus: You’ll create a content framework that’s tailored to your Human Design and Gene Keys, ensuring your strategy supports not only your signature program but also every service you offer. This repeatable, rinse-and-repeat process keeps your voice intact while giving you the spaciousness to show up online authentically, creating content that connects and converts.

In this final module, we’ll focus on delivering your program to clients and creating a scalable plan for growth moving forward.

The Focus: You’ll learn how to close clients through DMs or calls, manage onboarding and offboarding, and run kick-off calls. We’ll also map out your weekly, monthly, and quarterly goals to hit your yearly targets through scaling. You’ll gain access to Masterclass Maven, where you’ll master the art of launching and selling your program. This module ties it all together—refining your process and everything you’ve learned so you can move forward powerfully.

Support with Kehla all the way through the mastermind, which includes:

  • Bi-weekly Zoom Q&A & hot seat coaching sessions
  • Telegram broadcast & group voice & text support
  • Weekly Q&A thread on telegram
  • Facebook group for feedback on biz projects, masterminding & collaborations
  • Monthly vortex call to work on your business with the Mastermind community & personal support
  • Private bonus calls, masterclasses & trainings sessions
  • The Gene Keys Business Guide (Valued at $444USD)
  • The Entrepreneurs 64 Keys to Contemplation (Valued at $88USD)
  • Foundational Human Design PDF (Valued at $122USD)
  • Shadow Synthesis Masterclass (Valued at $22USD)
  • Voracioux Vortex (Repurposing your content online - Valued at $57USD)
  • Creating Your Game for Business Masterclass 5 x Series (Valued at $157USD)
  • Masterclass Maven Tutorial Series (How to launch your signature program) (Valued at $398USD)
  • Financial planning with Chat GPT Workshop (Valued at $111USD)
  • Lifetime access to any 1:many offers during the 6 months (i.e.: telegram experiences, paid mini-programs, paid masterclasses, etc)
  • Special discounts for 1:1 support

I’m the genius behind the madness of Signature Program by Design and the creator of The Edge Mastermind.

I’m here to orchestrate the chaos you’re experiencing—helping you uncover who the fck you are* and where the fck you’re going*.

This container was built from the essence of my 6/2 Sacral Generator design, with only my G Center and Sacral defined. I’ve navigated countless entrepreneurial challenges and now embody what it means to lead, grow, and role model success, sharing that wisdom with you.

My G Center brings clarity, leadership, and direction, while my Sacral electrifies creative energy—all structured to support what you’re committed to building through this program.

The openness in my chart lets me bring fluidity where you feel stuck, dissolving limiting beliefs and pressure so you can step into being untethered, unapologetic, and boldly you in your business and life.

With nearly 6 years in business and 8+ years coaching globally, my mission is to cultivate confidence, clarity, and impact. Through my online work, I’ve supported hundreds—if not thousands—of people through both paid and free offers. I’m passionate about nurturing energy and guiding entrepreneurs to build businesses that align with their unique energetic imprint. The result? Scalable businesses that flow effortlessly with the rhythms of who they are, creating lasting success without compromising their alignment or well-being.

These case studies below are reflections of Kehla's private clients who have learned, refined and executed the wisdom, trainings, strategies and lessons taught from the Signature Program by Design curriculum.



5,000K USD

Payment plans: 6 monthly payments of $850/month or a deposit & monthly payments are available.

Please complete this application form & Kehla will reach out to connect with you.

As a special bonus:

  • Join in October, and you’ll receive a 90-minute 1:1 strategy call to map out the next six months of your business using Human Design and Gene Keys.
  • Join in November, and you’ll receive a 45-minute 1:1 strategy call to support your alignment and planning.


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